Our response to COVID-19 and there whether report


Read James 1:19
My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
So many times in the world we live in we feel the need to respond and lash out to all the noise around us. This can be over a philosophical debate or in response to a loved one that says something we don’t like. It can be in a moment of disagreement or frustration. In the book of James we see many examples of how we should tame our tongues and respond differently than what the world says.

How much of the time are we thinking about the next words that we want to say in response to someone talking rather than actually listening to what they say?

Our words matter and the way we respond in moments of frustration can point others to Jesus or draw them away. Today as you go about your day and interact with people through relationships at home, work and in the community, make an effort to truly listen before you speak. Hear them, see them and be reminded that we should treat them in a way that demonstrates the love of our Heavenly Father.

What is one relationship that you know you need to listen more and think before you speak?
How can being quick to listen and slow to speak impact this relationship in a positive way?

Additional Reading:
Read James 1:19-27 to further reflect on our actions related to how we listen and respond, not only to other people but to God’s Word.

//  Nikki Foster
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1 Comment

Kevin Reddick - May 7th, 2023 at 7:22am

This is so applicable in today's world and to the Christian community. Thanks for this reminder!!