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First Sunday of Advent: December 1, 2024

What is Advent?

Advent is the season of anticipation leading to Christmas. It's a celebration of waiting on the arrival of Jesus - imagining that first waiting for the promised Messiah and now eagerly waiting on the return of King Jesus. We walk through the season of Advent by lighting one candle each Sunday for four weeks before Christmas Day. Check out this 2021 episode of Midweek Live with Matt Smith & Jasmyn Denton to learn more.

Choose Your Advent Experience

We keep previous Advent content made exclusively for our Vintage Church family here for your use, even if the dates don't match up perfectly. Whether you want a video or audio guide, have an hour or only a few minutes, we have something for you. Peruse the options below and use what works for you in this season. These items are accessible here and on the VC App for your smartphone and your smartTV.
New for 2024: Advent at Home
This Advent guide is designed for families, small groups, or individuals
to move through the four weeks of Advent and Christmas Day.
Each week includes a devotional, questions, a Bible Project video,
and scripture readings. Use any or all parts that fit your season of life.
Click the star graphic to access the printable document.

Advent Resources

Wreath Ideas

Making your own Advent wreath can be a great way to start the Advent season. We've put a few ideas here to help you get started.

Learn more

Take a deeper dive and learn more about Advent.
Article: What is Advent?
Bible Project Guide to Advent


Music to move you through the Advent season.
Advent Playlist on Spotify and Apple Music!


We encourage you to use these daily readings as you journey through Advent. We've included readings for men, women, and families.

Share your Advent journey with us!

Tag us @vintagechurch_nc or use the hashtag #AdventVC on social media.