Our response to COVID-19 and there whether report

Thanksgiving Meal Delivery

Hundreds of families - more than 1,500 people - in our community will enjoy a Thanksgiving meal in their own homes this week because of your willingness to move beyond the walls of a building and to our neighbors in need. We are incredibly thankful that in every season, you are ready 
to meet a need to demonstrate the love and grace 
of Jesus to people in our cities.

Watch this video.

Meal pick-up.

At either 5 or 6 PM (whichever you signed up for), enter the main parking lot at the entrance near the ABC store. If you need to rearrange vehicles for carpooling, park in front of the building and then hop into the line.

Your first stop at the back of the building (# 1) is to get a packet of info for the families to whom you will deliver. It will include a cover sheet with the total number of each box/item you will need to supply all of the families. The individual family sheets will instruct you as to how many of each item they need to receive. Go through the packet to make sure you understand all information before you leave.

Continue to the packing stops  (#s 2, 3, 4) - either to the right or left (as directed) - to have the meal items packed into your vehicles. Each stop will ask to see your cover sheet to confirm how many of total of each item you will need to collect. No need to get out of your vehicles; we've got you covered.

Finally, stop at our prayer station (#5) to have one of our staff, elders, or volunteers to pray with you before you leave!

Meal Delivery.



Using your smartphone or GPS, map your route. In Google Maps, you can add multiple addresses and it will map the best route for you. Click HERE to learn more.


Call ahead to the first house you're delivering to and let them know that you're from Vintage Church and are on the way with the Thanksgiving meal. If no one answers, try texting!


No matter the circumstances of your drop-off, ask to pray with the family - whether that is in person or on the phone. If you don't get that opportunity, pray in the car as a team for that family.


Call the next family in your packet and repeat the process until you're finished delivering to all homes in your list. Then, you're free to go home. We will be at the church for the evening, so if you want to come back to share any stories, we'd love to hear them!

And a few more notes

  • Every person in your packet has given us this information trusting that we will keep it confidential. Don't share the names or any other information of the families you meet.

  • Every interaction should be filled with honor, love, and respect. Remember this person is your neighbor and it's an incredible opportunity to show the love of Jesus in this interaction.

  • Each person you encounter has a story that may or may not be apparent or ready to be shared. Be ready to have conversations and be willing to listen to understand.
  • We have made every effort to contact each family in the past week to remind them that their meal will arrive on Tuesday between 5pm and 8pm.

  • Take pictures of your team as you deliver! Share them with us on social media (tag @vintagechurch_nc) or email them to us. Please, do not take or share photographs of the homes or people you visit.

  • If you have any questions or run into any issues while you deliver, please call us ‪(336) 497-1674!

  • If for any reason your team is unable to deliver meals, please let us know ASAP! Call the number above or email jasmyn@vintagechurch.net.
