Episode 17: Spiritual Disciplines - Celebration
It’s the week after Easter - Sunday was a world-wide day of rejoicing and celebration, remembering Jesus not only died to pay the penalty for our sins but that he was resurrected from the dead guaranteeing that sin nor death would not have the final word. We spend all day Saturday saying, “Sunday’s coming” - and it does! But then so does Monday. We go back to work. Yes, we are still finding easter eggs tucked in obscured hiding spots, heating up leftover ham for lunch, and eating Reese’s eggs…but the exuberance of Sunday somehow doesn’t make it into Monday. Maybe if we just pray a little harder, spend a little longer in our quiet time, turn up the volume on our worship music - that’ll make us feel the joy of yesterday again, right? Well, maybe. But maybe we need to learn a discipline that often feels like an extravagance: the spiritual discipline of celebration.