Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
"...You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
As we aim to live out the command and calling of Jesus, we know we must serve and share the gospel in our immediate community AND to the ends of the earth. We value intentional relationships and, therefore, are committed to strategically partnering with full-time missionaries and ministries who are faithfully building the day-in-day-out relationships with people in other countries in order to make disciples. This partnership includes financially supporting the missionaries, praying for the people and ministry in that area, and developing short-term teams who will travel and serve on the ground. We are currently growing a partnership with the missionaries in the Czech Republic and are excited to participate in the ways that God is growing and uniting His kingdom.
As we aim to live out the command and calling of Jesus, we know we must serve and share the gospel in our immediate community AND to the ends of the earth. We value intentional relationships and, therefore, are committed to strategically partnering with full-time missionaries and ministries who are faithfully building the day-in-day-out relationships with people in other countries in order to make disciples. This partnership includes financially supporting the missionaries, praying for the people and ministry in that area, and developing short-term teams who will travel and serve on the ground. We are currently growing a partnership with the missionaries in the Czech Republic and are excited to participate in the ways that God is growing and uniting His kingdom.

Meet the missionaries we support.
Jason, and Kerensa, along with their children, Mollyn and Nehemiah, have been serving in the Czech Republic since 2005. They give leadership to Global Partners missionaries and national workers across the country.
Sadly, the Czech Republic remains one of the three most atheistic countries in the world. The McFredericks are sharing the truth of Christ with people who have long considered the story of Jesus a mere fairy tale. Jason, Kerensa, and their teams work to make disciples and to start Discovery Bible Groups so that new churches form all across the Czech Republic. (Source)
Sadly, the Czech Republic remains one of the three most atheistic countries in the world. The McFredericks are sharing the truth of Christ with people who have long considered the story of Jesus a mere fairy tale. Jason, Kerensa, and their teams work to make disciples and to start Discovery Bible Groups so that new churches form all across the Czech Republic. (Source)